The Geology of the North Lumsden District, Southland.


McOnie, AW


Project type:



A general discussion of the geology of the North Lumsden area, Southland, describes a thick sequence of argillittes, tuffaceous greywackes, and Atomodesma-bearing sandstones of probable upper Permian age, with intercalated and intrusive spilitic and keratophyric volcanic rocks, herein assigned as to the Livingstone volcanic group. A minor amount of an intrusive sodic granite is compared with the Otama complex rocks. I have included a discussion of the possibilities, from the present study, of correlating the Permian rocks from the extremities of the Southland syncline, with no firm conclusions being reached. The petrogenetic aspects of the volcanic rocks are considered, with a conclusion that their present appearance is due mainly to those burial metamorphic effects which affected the enclosing sediments.
The compositions of some epidotes have been studied relative to the mode of occurrence of that mineral in the volcanic rocks, and a discussion of various determinative methods is included.
An attempt has been made to see if there is any systematic relationship between chemical composition and powder x-ray parameters for samples of the pumpellyite mineral series.

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Thesis description:

83 leaves, ill, photos, diagms, map (folded in pocket); 27 cm.


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Location (WKT, WGS84):

POLYGON ((168.480614054000057 -45.657158812999967,168.482976521000069 -45.657227386999978,168.479921153000078 -45.709563590999949,168.478801986000121 -45.72868422099998,168.416893106000089 -45.726641880999978,168.42146493600012 -45.655420601999936,168.480614054000057 -45.657158812999967))




McOnie, AW, “The Geology of the North Lumsden District, Southland.,” Otago Geology Theses, accessed February 8, 2025,

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