The Geology of the Budle District, Central Otago.


Dodds, LR


Project type:


This report repreaents the results of an inveatigation of the geology of a amall area in Central Otago. The work was undertaken in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the B.Sc. (Hons.) degree or the University of Otago.
The area covered corresponds roughly to the Budle Survey district of Central Otago, which includes the upper catchments ot Sheepwash Creek and Nenthorn Stream aa well as parts of Taieri Ridge, Billy's Ridge and Emerald Ridge.
The work was undertaken with the purpose of adding to the regional geology of North-East Central Otago, an area where a composite picture or the geology is slowly being assembled from the detailed study or individual parts or it. The region is of special interest for many reasons. Structural investigations of the Otago Schists, because of the size of the structures involved, requires the close examination of rocks over a very large area. It is hoped that the compiling of data from very amall areas such as the preaent one will gradually elucidate their atructure. It is hoped that a regional picture or Tertiary marine transgression, volcanic extrusion, and Tertiary block faulting, will eventually emerge.

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Thesis description:

iii. 76 p. ill. Photos. Map (folded in pocket). 27 cm.


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POLYGON ((170.421673227000042 -45.48318112499993,170.404641111000046 -45.482589128999962,170.404379228000039 -45.48257889599995,170.397492403000115 -45.482337950999977,170.354370659000097 -45.482531335999965,170.354220240000018 -45.482532479999975,170.333276698000077 -45.482270146999952,170.33325453000009 -45.482265146999964,170.327636350000034 -45.48226911699993,170.324046708000083 -45.482269127999984,170.323941034000086 -45.482271242999957,170.296318076000034 -45.482058198999937,170.296348414000022 -45.48195536399993,170.297662948000038 -45.47724556299994,170.299880733000123 -45.469310948999976,170.301187067000114 -45.464627926999981,170.303021355000055 -45.458057390999954,170.303040431000113 -45.457990305999942,170.301687219000087 -45.455290229999946,170.301145497000107 -45.454206582999973,170.299280497000041 -45.451305747999982,170.297188689000109 -45.448057598999981,170.296920292000095 -45.447637351999958,170.296872504000021 -45.447564239999963,170.278090309000049 -45.447642420999955,170.277965532000053 -45.44764405199993,170.276957566000078 -45.401063303999933,170.276957088000017 -45.401004774999933,170.28313709400004 -45.396771623999939,170.319175999000095 -45.372067321999964,170.329818865000107 -45.364764044999959,170.371050872000069 -45.374150559999975,170.422020100000054 -45.385723886999983,170.421998144000099 -45.404132760999971,170.421993650000104 -45.409331372999929,170.421927656000094 -45.466537657999936,170.421922591000111 -45.471241045999932,170.421909545000062 -45.483190761999936,170.421673227000042 -45.48318112499993))




Dodds, LR, “The Geology of the Budle District, Central Otago.,” Otago Geology Theses, accessed December 7, 2024,

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