Tags: "LA-ICP-MS, Brook Street Terrane, Igneous, isotopic ratios, Longwood Suite, New Zealand, Oraka Point, plutonic, Southland, zircon dating
Tags: gas hydrates, Pegasus Basin, Seismic
Tags: Cataclasite, CCA, Clast Cortex Aggregate Grains, Principal Slip Zone, PSZ, Slip Dynamics, Tre Monti Fault
Tags: aftershock, attribution of responsibility, behavioural science, building science, Canterbury earthquakes, content analyses, disaster, disaster recovery, disaster research, disaster risk management, DRR, earth science, Earthquake, economics, engineering, environmental science, framing analysis, Geology, health science, interview, management science, media, natural hazard, needs assessment, New Zealand, planning, political science, pseudo-science, pseudo-scientific prediction, readiness, resilience, risk assessment, risk communication, science communication, seismology, social science, story issue cycle, survey, warning
Tags: Dunstan Fault, earthquake simulation, Geology, Ground motion simulation
Tags: geochemistry, Gulf of Alaska, North Pacific, Ocean Circulation, paleoclimate, Paleooceanography, Paleoproductivity, sediment core, Surveyor Fan
Tags: Canterbury Basin, canyon, geophysics, Otago shelf, Quaternary, submarine canyon, Waitaki
Tags: Caples Terrane, DMOB, Mt Raddle
Tags: experiments, ice deformation, strain
Tags: Otago Schist, xenoliths
atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2